
The 2018 Conclave is a memory – and a good one. We thank the following donors and sponsors who made contributions to our raffle, silent auction and garage sale. Please patronize our business donors and let them know how much you appreciate their contribution to our conservation efforts ... Read More

Thirty-eight years ago Dave pooled his talents in painting, illustrating, writing, photography, fly fishing and lecturing, resigned his position as a research chemist, and embarked on a new career as a full-time professional in the arts of fly fishing. Dave’s art and writing appear regularly in many fly fishing and sport publications. He has written 4 books, demonstrated his fly fishing, fly tying and teaching skills in 10 videos and coauthored, contributed to or illustrated more than 20 other books. Dave is also known internationally for his innovative fly tying designs, including the popular Dave’s Hopper. Dave has taught flyfishing ... Read More

Conclave information You can purchase your 2018 Conclave tickets in the following ways
- Online (see below)
- At the February monthly meeting
- At Los Pinos Fly and Tackle Shop and Charlie’s Sporting Goods (coming soon)
- At the door (although lunch is not guaranteed)

The 2018 New Mexico Trout Conclave will be held Saturday, March 24 at Sandia Prep. Save the date! ... Read More