You can get involved and support New Mexico Trout’s mission by:
- Joining New Mexico Trout as an individual or business member
- Volunteering for conservation work projects
- Working with youths or Project Healing Waters
- Or by becoming a member of the Board of Directors
Only with your help can NM Trout continue to preserve and restore trout and their associated watersheds in NM.
Only with your help can NM Trout promote awareness, knowledge and ethics in activities that support trout fishing and fisheries in NM.
Only with your help can NM Trout promote and support research and fish management activities that benefit cold water fisheries in NM
Only with your help can NM Trout preserve and protect habitat and environmental conditions necessary to support trout fishing and fisheries in NM
New Mexico Trout publishes a newsletter each month for members. Some of the articles are included as posts on this website.
Your interesting articles are welcomed! When submitting an article, please remember to include a title, your name, and the date. Microsoft Word format is preferred. Please email your submission to newsletter editor Elizabeth Noyes.