2022 Fall Barbecue

For many years, usually around Memorial Day, New Mexico Trout provided lunch from Rudy’s barbeque as part of one of our volunteer events. That was a thank you celebration for our members that allowed us to get together in a beautiful place and hang out with friends and catch up with the latest fishing stories. This hasn’t happened over the past several years for a variety of reasons. There was COVID, then our SFNF partners left and weren’t replaced and a lack of suitable projects for such an event didn’t help. Most recently we have had forest closures because of wildfires and now the welcomed rains have created flooding and generally made things muddy.

Let’s do it!

What: Rudy’s BBQ (brisket, sausage, turkey) with side of cole slaw, potato salad, and beans. We will provide iced tea, lemonade, and water. Other drinks will be BYOB. Hang out in a nice setting. Practice your bow and arrow casts on the Guadalupe. Hike upstream on the east side of the Guadalupe that sees almost no human traffic.  Games to include horseshoes and an accuracy fly casting game! Prizes to be given!

When: Saturday October 8, 2022
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
BBQ Lunch at 12:00

Who: Members and their family only.
You must RSVP so we can get an attendance tally

Where: Ron and Ellen Loehman have graciously and kindly offered the location to be at their home on the Rio Guadalupe in Gilman, NM (between Jemez Pueblo and Jemez Springs). Detailed directions will be provided in acknowledgement of RSVPs.

Bring: Yourself, a side dish if you wish, your own adult beverages. Well behaved children and dogs are invited, but you will need to keep a watch on them.

RSVP here