2017 Conclave Wrap Up

PHW Volunteer of the Year… Bill ‘Fishgod’ Frangos

Our NM Trout Conclave was an outstanding success. Compliments were heard from many long-time members and even our key note speaker, George Daniel, was impressed with how smoothly everything ran and the high degree of involvement by rank and file NMT members. Coming from George, that says a lot. He is in high demand as a speaker, and is on the road almost half of the year. A special thanks to Ron Loehman and Lance Leach, this year’s conclave co-chairmen, the Board of Directors and to all of you who pitched in throughout the day or who came out to help us set up and then tear down.

The ever popular bucket raffle had something for everyone. Thank you to our generous business sponsors and individual donors who made it happen. All told, we raised over $6,000 between the raffle and admissions.
We’ve started the planning for next year. As always, we graciously accept any volunteer support and we welcome your feedback and suggestions for next year. Yes, we will have COOKIES for afternoon snacks in 2018!

Pete & Larry’s Tying Demo